Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Winter Season - Beginning Trainings

Saturday (11/14) was our first long run of the TNT Winter season.  I ran 6 miles (the Napa Marathon distance) in about an hour, twenty.  Felt pretty good, and even better to be running with other people.  A few weeks back I tried running 3 miles in beautiful Bidwell Park in Chico and only made it about 1.67 miles. Porter (my sister’s dog) kept looking at me like “why are we going so slow? We aren’t going farther?”  But it was a good warm up to what I was about to start again.

Tuesday (11/17) was our first Track Workout. We did a 50 meter relay in groups of three then a new core workout. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Marathon Story - October 18th

First off, I want to thank each for you for your support- financially and/or emotionally! With your generous donations, I raised more than $3,500 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society!  And with your emotional support, I successfully completed my first marathon!

The day before the marathon Chelsea and I arrived in San Francisco- it was a bit hectic at the hotel, but I worked my hotel magic and got us our room quickly.  We then headed to the expo, picked up our race packets and found our names on the Nike Town Wall.  It was crazy to see at least 20,000 names on the wall and trying to find a specific name was a task. 

Team In Training hosts an “Inspirational Dinner” the night before the race where runners “carbo-load” and listen to a few speakers.  Olympian Joan Benoit Samuelson and Runner’s World columnist "The Penguin John Bingham" shared words of wisdom and encouragement. 

We also had the honor of hearing the story of SARAH, who had fought the battle of blood cancers with both parents. Then a few years later, she had to fight her own battle.  SARAH reminded me why I was here… to help fight cancer one step at a time. But that wasn’t the only story she shared- she was running the race with us! Not only is she a Team In Training Honoree but a participate as well.  Her story was incredible - had a few of us in tears- and her words were so perfect for our event.

We then headed back to the hotel and “dressed the chair”- meaning we had all our race gear ready to go.  I actually slept pretty well considering I was going to run 26.2 miles the next morning.  Alarm went off and we were up and ready for just another long run. Chelsea and I were pretty cute! We were matching with our black shorts, purple TNT shirts with bright green “billboards”, and our lovely custom made arm-socks and gloves.

We headed downstairs to meet our fellow TNTers and then walked over to Union Square.  The gun went off at 7 a.m., however we didn’t get to the start line till almost 7:30!

The scenery and views of this course were almost worth the hills! The first few miles by the Embarcadero, then up to Fort Mason where amidst the cypress trees, the views of the bay were incredible.  You could see the Golden Gate Bridge (with little fog) and Alcatraz. 

We ran through the Presidio, then by the Cliff House, and down to the Great Highway.  There were so many people on the sidelines of the Great Highway cheering for everyone- it was amazing.  Then we headed into Golden Gate Park- this was the “reality check”!

The Half Marathon runners were with us… until the split and that was my last chance to chicken out.  But onward we went- I still had Chelsea and our friend Ilya running by my sides.

In the park volunteers held signs that had reasons why this was our race- “You nursed countless blisters”, “You gave up sleeping in on weekends”- were just a few and gave me a good chuckle along the course.  It was just when the half met back up with the full (for a mere mile) that I started to get emotional- but I thought of my personal Honoree Kristin (who recently passed away after a tough fight with leukemia).  Usually when I get bored or running gets hard, I start to count random numbers but during this run I repeated Kristin’s name and would spell it out one step at a time.  I started to regain my composure and knew I could completed this marathon.  Just as we headed out of the park, one teenager-volunteer was cheering and yelled, “You’re almost there… if you’re doing the half! If you’re doing the full… Good Luck”.  I was laughing but ready to yell at him.

Back onto the Great Highway to Lake Mer-sucks, I mean Lake Merced. Just at about mile 17 my parents were there to cheer me on and my sister joined me.  Little did she know she would be running the next seven miles with me! I was so thankful to have her there.

The five-mile loop (miles 19-24) around Lake Merced is very boring and can bring out the worst in people (we ran this for our 18 mile run and it sucked then too).  As I said, Lake Merced isn’t a very happy lake- I believe Chelsea started her emotional battle at about mile 20, and I started at about mile 22. I could not have been more thankful to have my sister by my side.  She continued to encourage us and keep us moving. By mile 23 she was wearing both of our water belts and became our personal coach.   We were also joined by sveral of our mentors during this terrible 4 mile loop.  First it was Mike, then Simone who helped us relaie our pain is just temporary compred to our Honorees. We then saw Jen, Leah and Janine. Coach Kris greeted us at the end of the loop on her scooter! 

Finally Lake Mer-sucks was done and I could (kinda) see the finish line. Chelsea and I were fighting our own battles of pain and emotions- we ended up separating at about mile 24.  My brother joined my sister and I for about 200 yards (he’s not a runner!).  Then I was joined by two of my coaches who ran with me for a bit.

At mile 25 I saw my whole family- complete will the "Go Emory!" billboard! What a nice treat!

My coaches went to go run with Chelsea and my sister gave me her final words of encouragement and support.  I don’t know how, but that last mile I think I sprinted! This burst of energy came from my sister’s words and I made it across the finish line at 6 hours 33 minutes.

I received my Tiffany’s necklace, but can’t even seem to recall if the firefighter was hot or not!  I remember seeing a running friend Brandy- we hugged each other and I just cried.  It was such a surreal moment to think that I- Emory Fuqua- just finished a MARATHON!

I waited for Ilya (who we had split from and then found towards the end) and Chelsea to cross the finish line – we were each two minutes apart.  My family was waiting for me at the Team In Training tent but it took me a while to hobble over to them.  It was great to see how proud my nieces and nephew were of my race, and to be able to thank my sister for her “torture”/support.  My entire family was so proud of me – the whole day was almost overwhelming.

I said my thank yous and goodbyes, and hobbled to the TNT bus. Once back at the hotel I discovered I only had two blisters!! - one was popped, the other was a alien on my foot! It was recovery time with an ice bath, vitamin water and a BBQ chicken pizza! Later that evening we attended the TNT Victory Party followed by a few more beverages out on the town- and surprisingly- I wasn’t in that much pain.

Again, thank you for all your love and support.  Your donations will go to help fight blood cancers so one day there will be a cure and families like Kristin’s wont have to go through the tough times.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Monterey: September 28 Update

OMG!!! I ran the farthest EVER!! Get out your fingers & toes because you'll need them to count to 20! Yes- 20 miles!! It was a beautiful run along the Monterey Coast and the Pebble Beach Golf Course down to Bird Rock. The views were well worth the 10 miles out and back! Around mile 12, I really started to feel my hip again, but I just kept thinking of my Honoree Kristin and her family. Kristin's funeral was Saturday, and I was very bummed I couldn't attend but I was definately showing my support on the trail.

If Heaven is half that beautiful and peaceful as Monterey, then Kristin is in an awesome place.

Just a few more weeks to go till the Marathon- Ive got the San Jose Rock n Roll Half this coming weekend (after working 8 days straight) then another taper weekend run and then the Nike!! And fyi come to find out, my friend Paul Smith, ran Nike last year and came in first!! No Pressure! haha!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Lake Merced/SF: September 15 Update

This past Saturday (9/12) my goal was to run 18 miles- I ended up running 17.3 miles in 4 hours 30 minutes (the last 4 miles I walked due to a hurting hip). But the story is....

I worked grave Friday night, so I got off at 6 a.m., picked up at work by a fellow TNTer and off to Lake Merced we went. The drive was beautiful- the sun coming up over the mountains looked as if the hills were on fire. Once we arrived in SF, it was cold and foggy (when isn't that the weather there?). I started in Wave 2- with Mike, Ilya, Brandy and Chelsea. We were running a great 4:1- down by the zoo to the Great Highway and off to Golden Gate Park- my first time to GG Park in my 25 years of life!! Along the highway we were met by a very encouraging 50-year-old lady who had completed a few marathons and IronMans in the last few years. Her words of wisdom and encouragement were just what we needed this cold, foggy morning. Midway through the park we were part of the thunderstorm, which included some hail and made for a great refresher! We headed out of the park, back down the Great Highway and around Lake Merced. So 4 miles around Lake Merced sounded like nothing when you just ran 16 miles the weekend before, but I swear the lake goes on forever! It was great practice though as it is part of the course for the Marathon next month. Yes- that's right- my Marathon is NEXT MONTH!!! About 32 days away and I am feeling a bit anxious! I have a short run (8 miles) this weekend, the following is a 20 miler in Pacific Grove, followed by two weeks of taper (including the Rock N Roll Half Marathon in San Jose).

After working Friday grave, running 17 miles, working Saturday grave - I slept for 15 hours on Sunday (9/13) and 14 hours on Monday (9/14). I guess I was tired :)

The past four months have been such a blessing on my life. I have met some of the best people in the world- some of the most encouraging and most courageous, and not to mention some of the craziest (IronWomen Kris & Kelly). I have been surrounded by wonderful TNT people, and financially supported by my family & friends.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Coyote Creek: August 31 Update

Coyote Creek- It was a hot run. But I completed my farthest distance ever with 16 miles. Mentor (and new friend) Mike Ho kept me going the whole time. The last four miles were the hardest- my muscles felt fine- but I had missed placed my Sports Shield and was chafed on my inner thighs. I wanted to run so bad I was tempted to put GU (my sports gel) on my legs- or perhaps even the doggie pick up bags and some how adhere them to my legs.... yes marathon brain was starting to kick in!  Neither of those happened- I had to brave it out and just go in the spurts I could.

Later that day, I had a successful pasta feed at my mentor's house (THANK YOU SUE & TIM FUNK, and MY PARENTS for your help!). I made about $600 from the pasta feed and raffle!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Baylands: August 15 Updates

I now know why I joined TNT- not only am I now running FOURTEEN miles (really 14.72)- but I have met some of the greatest people. Some support us on our runs at water stations, some encourage and push us along the way, some share their battle of cancer with us - reminding us why we are really out there, and some cheer for you as you cross the finish line.

Today was a weird run- we were out at the Baylands in Palo Alto/Mt. View and the first 8 miles I felt like I was going to throw up. After drinking a lot at the aid station and every walk time, my stomach felt better. It then traveled to my legs and I was very achy on the last 3 miles. But I must say, despite working grave the night before and after my run, I am feeling ok. "No pain, No Gain" is my motto right now.

I can't believe I am over HALF way there! (ooooh living on a prayer!) Thank you to those who have donated and helped me in my journey to 26.2 miles.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Waddel Creek: August 9 Update

WOW! Double digits again! I ran 12 miles today at Waddell Creek in Santa Cruz. It's amazing what treasures we have hidden in our backyard- check out this site that has some pictures of the trail we were on and the beautiful waterfall we saw at mile 6.2! (

After our run, we headed to the Ocean for Mother Nature's ice bath! The run felt good until about mile 9, and now my knees are a bit sore- and I'm ready for bed (yes, I worked Grave before and after my run).

Last Tuesday we did a time trial at Track- I ran a 5k (3.1 miles) in 37 minutes. I improved my time from 4 weeks ago by 6 minutes :)
I am signed up for the San Jose Rock n Roll Half Marathon on October 4th. What a milestone in my training and in my life.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Campbell Park: July 25 Update

Today we ran Campbell Park- 10 miles- the furthest i have EVER gone!! Everyone was pretty impresssed that we smiled almost the whole time.  It was a great 10 miles!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Jungle Run: July 22 Update

I completed my first 10K race on Sunday- The Jungle Run in Los Gatos. After only 4 hours of sleep, I woke to not being able to find my socks, arrived almost late, my Garmin was dead, along with my iPod, so with no time device, I had to run a new interval of 6:1 (with Juana, one of our Mentors)....but I came in at 1:17:54- that's with a potty break and a GU experience- near barfing.

Tuesday Track is always a hard, speed workout- but tonight, it was a GREAT workout. We ran 3 sets of 3 laps- fast, faster, fastest. I was actually able to keep up and do the exercise right by improving my speed/pace each lap. After being sick and not being able to give it my all, I was very happy with track tonight.

Buddy run on Thursday- with a stop at Music in the Park to hear Matt Nathanson, and 10 miles on Saturday- double digits!! This week is also recommitment week- and I have committed to run the FULL Marathon and raise $2,500 by October. YIKES!!! (Oh, we raised $200 at Aqui's last Monday... so Marc and I will split that. Thanks to everyone who came! And stay tuned for the Pasta Feed details.)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

July 15 Update

Well I never thought I would say this but I am sad/upset that I was unable to run the buddy run or my long run of 9 miles this past week due to being sick. I also had to take it easy during track on Tuesday, but I am feeling better- and happy to be sick now and not later in the season.

This last Monday, Marc and I held a fundraiser night at Aquis.  Thank you to those who attened.  We had a great turn out and pretty sure everyone enjoyed themselves. So thank you to my work (Fairmont) friends, family, friends, TNT running mates and Marc's friends and family. We should find out soon how well we did and hopefully we will do another in the future. So stay tuned.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Los Alamitos Creek Trail: July 8 Update

WOW!! What a life changing experience TNT has been and it's only been ONE month! Not only am I running 7 miles (and not feeling like I am going to die), but I have learned so much about what TNT/LLS does for those affected by cancer. I have had the great opportunity to meet and learn more about our Honorees- those who are still fighting their cancer(s), who have survived and who have passed. TNT/LLS is such a great support for our Honorees and their families, as well as a provider for cancer research. I know times are still tough, but any donation you can make is one step closer to a cure. p.s. I am really considering doing the FULL marathon.........

Monday, June 15, 2009

Hellyer Park: June 15 Update

I have completed my first whole week of TNT.

Tuesday we had a work out at the Los Gatos High School track where we did a little relay and a core workout. Probably ran about 2-3 miles.

Thursday was our Buddy Run. The Buddy Run each week is with a smaller group of people at one of six locations throughout the area. I chose to run the downtown Guadalupe Creek Trail. We ran 4 miles in just under an hour. I used the run/walk technique of 5-1.

Sunday I ran my longest distance ever- 5 miles. This only took a few minutes over an hour, and we used the 4-1 technique.

I was a bit crazy this weekend because I worked Grave all week, got off work at 6:30 a.m. Sunday and ran 5 miles then attend the Wafflefest. I got home and slept for 1 hour, then had to be at work at 3:30 p.m. After being awake for more than 34 hours and running 5 miles, I slept a whopping 14 hours! I am really bummed this week I will miss Track and my weekend long run with the group due to my work schedule.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Los Gatos Creek Trail: June 6 Update

Today was the first day of training - and it was a "long run" of 4 miles at 7 a.m.
Marc ( and I arrived early at the Los Gatos High School track. I had to work grave the night before- so this was an "evening" run for me.

We both ran 4 miles on the Los Gatos Creek Trail.  After the run, we listened to an Honoree speak about his battle with cancer and how the funds from LLS helped to find a new treatment which has lead him into remission for 3 years! I met many new friends today and even though I have blisters on both feet - I can't wait till Tuesday for another training session.