Sunday, August 9, 2009

Waddel Creek: August 9 Update

WOW! Double digits again! I ran 12 miles today at Waddell Creek in Santa Cruz. It's amazing what treasures we have hidden in our backyard- check out this site that has some pictures of the trail we were on and the beautiful waterfall we saw at mile 6.2! (

After our run, we headed to the Ocean for Mother Nature's ice bath! The run felt good until about mile 9, and now my knees are a bit sore- and I'm ready for bed (yes, I worked Grave before and after my run).

Last Tuesday we did a time trial at Track- I ran a 5k (3.1 miles) in 37 minutes. I improved my time from 4 weeks ago by 6 minutes :)
I am signed up for the San Jose Rock n Roll Half Marathon on October 4th. What a milestone in my training and in my life.

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