Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Jungle Run: July 22 Update

I completed my first 10K race on Sunday- The Jungle Run in Los Gatos. After only 4 hours of sleep, I woke to not being able to find my socks, arrived almost late, my Garmin was dead, along with my iPod, so with no time device, I had to run a new interval of 6:1 (with Juana, one of our Mentors)....but I came in at 1:17:54- that's with a potty break and a GU experience- near barfing.

Tuesday Track is always a hard, speed workout- but tonight, it was a GREAT workout. We ran 3 sets of 3 laps- fast, faster, fastest. I was actually able to keep up and do the exercise right by improving my speed/pace each lap. After being sick and not being able to give it my all, I was very happy with track tonight.

Buddy run on Thursday- with a stop at Music in the Park to hear Matt Nathanson, and 10 miles on Saturday- double digits!! This week is also recommitment week- and I have committed to run the FULL Marathon and raise $2,500 by October. YIKES!!! (Oh, we raised $200 at Aqui's last Monday... so Marc and I will split that. Thanks to everyone who came! And stay tuned for the Pasta Feed details.)

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