Monday, August 31, 2009

Coyote Creek: August 31 Update

Coyote Creek- It was a hot run. But I completed my farthest distance ever with 16 miles. Mentor (and new friend) Mike Ho kept me going the whole time. The last four miles were the hardest- my muscles felt fine- but I had missed placed my Sports Shield and was chafed on my inner thighs. I wanted to run so bad I was tempted to put GU (my sports gel) on my legs- or perhaps even the doggie pick up bags and some how adhere them to my legs.... yes marathon brain was starting to kick in!  Neither of those happened- I had to brave it out and just go in the spurts I could.

Later that day, I had a successful pasta feed at my mentor's house (THANK YOU SUE & TIM FUNK, and MY PARENTS for your help!). I made about $600 from the pasta feed and raffle!

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