Monday, August 31, 2009

Coyote Creek: August 31 Update

Coyote Creek- It was a hot run. But I completed my farthest distance ever with 16 miles. Mentor (and new friend) Mike Ho kept me going the whole time. The last four miles were the hardest- my muscles felt fine- but I had missed placed my Sports Shield and was chafed on my inner thighs. I wanted to run so bad I was tempted to put GU (my sports gel) on my legs- or perhaps even the doggie pick up bags and some how adhere them to my legs.... yes marathon brain was starting to kick in!  Neither of those happened- I had to brave it out and just go in the spurts I could.

Later that day, I had a successful pasta feed at my mentor's house (THANK YOU SUE & TIM FUNK, and MY PARENTS for your help!). I made about $600 from the pasta feed and raffle!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Baylands: August 15 Updates

I now know why I joined TNT- not only am I now running FOURTEEN miles (really 14.72)- but I have met some of the greatest people. Some support us on our runs at water stations, some encourage and push us along the way, some share their battle of cancer with us - reminding us why we are really out there, and some cheer for you as you cross the finish line.

Today was a weird run- we were out at the Baylands in Palo Alto/Mt. View and the first 8 miles I felt like I was going to throw up. After drinking a lot at the aid station and every walk time, my stomach felt better. It then traveled to my legs and I was very achy on the last 3 miles. But I must say, despite working grave the night before and after my run, I am feeling ok. "No pain, No Gain" is my motto right now.

I can't believe I am over HALF way there! (ooooh living on a prayer!) Thank you to those who have donated and helped me in my journey to 26.2 miles.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Waddel Creek: August 9 Update

WOW! Double digits again! I ran 12 miles today at Waddell Creek in Santa Cruz. It's amazing what treasures we have hidden in our backyard- check out this site that has some pictures of the trail we were on and the beautiful waterfall we saw at mile 6.2! (

After our run, we headed to the Ocean for Mother Nature's ice bath! The run felt good until about mile 9, and now my knees are a bit sore- and I'm ready for bed (yes, I worked Grave before and after my run).

Last Tuesday we did a time trial at Track- I ran a 5k (3.1 miles) in 37 minutes. I improved my time from 4 weeks ago by 6 minutes :)
I am signed up for the San Jose Rock n Roll Half Marathon on October 4th. What a milestone in my training and in my life.