Monday, September 28, 2009

Monterey: September 28 Update

OMG!!! I ran the farthest EVER!! Get out your fingers & toes because you'll need them to count to 20! Yes- 20 miles!! It was a beautiful run along the Monterey Coast and the Pebble Beach Golf Course down to Bird Rock. The views were well worth the 10 miles out and back! Around mile 12, I really started to feel my hip again, but I just kept thinking of my Honoree Kristin and her family. Kristin's funeral was Saturday, and I was very bummed I couldn't attend but I was definately showing my support on the trail.

If Heaven is half that beautiful and peaceful as Monterey, then Kristin is in an awesome place.

Just a few more weeks to go till the Marathon- Ive got the San Jose Rock n Roll Half this coming weekend (after working 8 days straight) then another taper weekend run and then the Nike!! And fyi come to find out, my friend Paul Smith, ran Nike last year and came in first!! No Pressure! haha!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Lake Merced/SF: September 15 Update

This past Saturday (9/12) my goal was to run 18 miles- I ended up running 17.3 miles in 4 hours 30 minutes (the last 4 miles I walked due to a hurting hip). But the story is....

I worked grave Friday night, so I got off at 6 a.m., picked up at work by a fellow TNTer and off to Lake Merced we went. The drive was beautiful- the sun coming up over the mountains looked as if the hills were on fire. Once we arrived in SF, it was cold and foggy (when isn't that the weather there?). I started in Wave 2- with Mike, Ilya, Brandy and Chelsea. We were running a great 4:1- down by the zoo to the Great Highway and off to Golden Gate Park- my first time to GG Park in my 25 years of life!! Along the highway we were met by a very encouraging 50-year-old lady who had completed a few marathons and IronMans in the last few years. Her words of wisdom and encouragement were just what we needed this cold, foggy morning. Midway through the park we were part of the thunderstorm, which included some hail and made for a great refresher! We headed out of the park, back down the Great Highway and around Lake Merced. So 4 miles around Lake Merced sounded like nothing when you just ran 16 miles the weekend before, but I swear the lake goes on forever! It was great practice though as it is part of the course for the Marathon next month. Yes- that's right- my Marathon is NEXT MONTH!!! About 32 days away and I am feeling a bit anxious! I have a short run (8 miles) this weekend, the following is a 20 miler in Pacific Grove, followed by two weeks of taper (including the Rock N Roll Half Marathon in San Jose).

After working Friday grave, running 17 miles, working Saturday grave - I slept for 15 hours on Sunday (9/13) and 14 hours on Monday (9/14). I guess I was tired :)

The past four months have been such a blessing on my life. I have met some of the best people in the world- some of the most encouraging and most courageous, and not to mention some of the craziest (IronWomen Kris & Kelly). I have been surrounded by wonderful TNT people, and financially supported by my family & friends.