Saturday, July 25, 2009

Campbell Park: July 25 Update

Today we ran Campbell Park- 10 miles- the furthest i have EVER gone!! Everyone was pretty impresssed that we smiled almost the whole time.  It was a great 10 miles!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Jungle Run: July 22 Update

I completed my first 10K race on Sunday- The Jungle Run in Los Gatos. After only 4 hours of sleep, I woke to not being able to find my socks, arrived almost late, my Garmin was dead, along with my iPod, so with no time device, I had to run a new interval of 6:1 (with Juana, one of our Mentors)....but I came in at 1:17:54- that's with a potty break and a GU experience- near barfing.

Tuesday Track is always a hard, speed workout- but tonight, it was a GREAT workout. We ran 3 sets of 3 laps- fast, faster, fastest. I was actually able to keep up and do the exercise right by improving my speed/pace each lap. After being sick and not being able to give it my all, I was very happy with track tonight.

Buddy run on Thursday- with a stop at Music in the Park to hear Matt Nathanson, and 10 miles on Saturday- double digits!! This week is also recommitment week- and I have committed to run the FULL Marathon and raise $2,500 by October. YIKES!!! (Oh, we raised $200 at Aqui's last Monday... so Marc and I will split that. Thanks to everyone who came! And stay tuned for the Pasta Feed details.)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

July 15 Update

Well I never thought I would say this but I am sad/upset that I was unable to run the buddy run or my long run of 9 miles this past week due to being sick. I also had to take it easy during track on Tuesday, but I am feeling better- and happy to be sick now and not later in the season.

This last Monday, Marc and I held a fundraiser night at Aquis.  Thank you to those who attened.  We had a great turn out and pretty sure everyone enjoyed themselves. So thank you to my work (Fairmont) friends, family, friends, TNT running mates and Marc's friends and family. We should find out soon how well we did and hopefully we will do another in the future. So stay tuned.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Los Alamitos Creek Trail: July 8 Update

WOW!! What a life changing experience TNT has been and it's only been ONE month! Not only am I running 7 miles (and not feeling like I am going to die), but I have learned so much about what TNT/LLS does for those affected by cancer. I have had the great opportunity to meet and learn more about our Honorees- those who are still fighting their cancer(s), who have survived and who have passed. TNT/LLS is such a great support for our Honorees and their families, as well as a provider for cancer research. I know times are still tough, but any donation you can make is one step closer to a cure. p.s. I am really considering doing the FULL marathon.........